Event Information
Hazard Name:
Insert Date:
Aug. 7, 2012
Start Date:
Aug. 7, 2012
End Date:
Aug. 7, 2012
Hazard Cluster:
Hazard Type:
Data Provider:
Reference Number:
Reference Id
Filtering Tools
Start Date
End Date
Radius (KM)
Related Events
Id Event Type Start Date Provider
10209 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
9831 Wildfire Aug. 11, 2011 EFFIS
9967 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
9922 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
10239 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
10286 Wildfire Sept. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10553 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
9948 Wildfire Aug. 8, 2011 EFFIS
10368 Wildfire Sept. 9, 2011 EFFIS
10420 Wildfire Sept. 2, 2011 EFFIS
10430 Wildfire Sept. 2, 2011 EFFIS
10427 Wildfire Sept. 3, 2011 EFFIS
7071 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10495 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10496 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10497 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
9973 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10562 Wildfire Sept. 5, 2011 EFFIS
10682 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
10797 Wildfire Aug. 21, 2011 EFFIS
10747 Wildfire Sept. 13, 2011 EFFIS
10748 Wildfire Sept. 1, 2011 EFFIS
9994 Wildfire Aug. 22, 2011 EFFIS
9995 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
10828 Wildfire Aug. 28, 2011 EFFIS
10831 Wildfire Aug. 28, 2011 EFFIS
11582 Wildfire Aug. 3, 2012 EFFIS
10886 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
10929 Wildfire Aug. 21, 2011 EFFIS
10830 Wildfire Aug. 28, 2011 EFFIS
696 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
10913 Wildfire Aug. 28, 2011 EFFIS
8339 Wildfire Aug. 28, 2011 EFFIS
10017 Wildfire Aug. 23, 2011 EFFIS
10930 Wildfire Aug. 22, 2011 EFFIS
10931 Wildfire Aug. 22, 2011 EFFIS
10932 Wildfire Aug. 23, 2011 EFFIS
11111 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
4557 Wildfire Sept. 5, 2011 EFFIS
11036 Wildfire Sept. 1, 2011 EFFIS
11116 Wildfire Aug. 15, 2011 EFFIS
4627 Wildfire Aug. 13, 2011 EFFIS
4643 Wildfire Aug. 13, 2011 EFFIS
11025 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
11090 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
11119 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
11130 Wildfire Aug. 15, 2011 EFFIS
11131 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
701 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
11112 Wildfire Aug. 20, 2011 EFFIS
11325 Wildfire Sept. 2, 2011 EFFIS
11258 Wildfire Aug. 19, 2011 EFFIS
11935 Wildfire Aug. 7, 2012 EFFIS
11242 Wildfire Aug. 21, 2011 EFFIS
4729 Wildfire Aug. 17, 2011 EFFIS
4740 Wildfire Aug. 22, 2011 EFFIS
5333 Wildfire Aug. 7, 2012 EFFIS
11299 Wildfire Sept. 4, 2011 EFFIS
12762 Wildfire Aug. 5, 2012 EFFIS
11432 Wildfire Aug. 7, 2012 EFFIS
11289 Wildfire Sept. 3, 2011 EFFIS
11326 Wildfire Sept. 3, 2011 EFFIS
11495 Wildfire July 31, 2012 EFFIS
6742 Wildfire Aug. 7, 2011 EFFIS
6754 Wildfire Aug. 8, 2011 EFFIS
10041 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
420 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
10042 Wildfire Aug. 12, 2011 EFFIS
10043 Wildfire Aug. 8, 2011 EFFIS
10058 Wildfire Aug. 11, 2011 EFFIS
10059 Wildfire Aug. 11, 2011 EFFIS
10060 Wildfire Aug. 11, 2011 EFFIS
10062 Wildfire Aug. 26, 2011 EFFIS
10064 Wildfire Aug. 26, 2011 EFFIS
10065 Wildfire Aug. 26, 2011 EFFIS
7341 Wildfire Aug. 27, 2011 EFFIS
10084 Wildfire Aug. 17, 2011 EFFIS
7344 Wildfire Aug. 27, 2011 EFFIS
10096 Wildfire Sept. 27, 2011 EFFIS
10088 Wildfire Aug. 16, 2011 EFFIS
10097 Wildfire Sept. 27, 2011 EFFIS
10099 Wildfire Sept. 18, 2011 EFFIS
10098 Wildfire Sept. 27, 2011 EFFIS
10172 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
10105 Wildfire Sept. 18, 2011 EFFIS
10106 Wildfire Sept. 18, 2011 EFFIS
10147 Wildfire Aug. 24, 2011 EFFIS
10184 Wildfire Aug. 10, 2011 EFFIS
Related Datasets
Id Category Title Link to dataset
9 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
16 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/4dc8450d889a491ebb20e724debe2dfb
17 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
46 Surface water flooding; Rock slide; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Rockfall; localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Land Cover https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover
74 Wildfire,Cold wave, Heatwave, Flash flood, Drought, Downburst, Snow / Ice Precipitation and temperature grids https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.924502
86 Wildfire, Drought, Meteorological drought indices e.g., from ADO project (SPI, SMA) https://ado.eurac.edu /mnt/CEPH_PRODUCTS/ADO
43 Polluted air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Near-surface wind speed https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/derived-near-surface-meteorological-variables?tab=form
44 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Soil Moisture https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search?fs10=Soil+Moisture%2FWater+Content&fsm0=Soils&fs20=Soil+Moisture&fst0=land+surface
72 Wildfire ERA5 Wind Hourly: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu) Monthly: ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu)
73 Wildfire, Snowmelt flood, Snow storm ERA5 Snow Hourly: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu) Monthly: ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu)
12 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=520752;Collection=1000340;
23 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Wind https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
15 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/derived-near-surface-meteorological-variables?tab=overview
87 Wildfire Wildfire occurrence (wildfire inventory) Trentino: https://forestefauna.provincia.tn.it/Documenti/incendi-boschivi/Aree-percorse-da-incendio
88 Wildfire Wildfire occurrence (wildfire inventory) NULL