Event Information
Hazard Name:
Surface water flooding
Insert Date:
May 23, 2018
Start Date:
March 14, 2018
End Date:
March 16, 2018
Bacau,Brasov,Covasna,Mures,Harghita,Teleorman,Vaslui districts
Hazard Cluster:
Hazard Type:
Data Provider:
Reference Number:
Reference Id
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Start Date
End Date
Radius (KM)
Related Events
Id Event Type Start Date Provider
18004 Wildfire Aug. 17, 2017 EFFIS
92513 Wind Sept. 17, 2017 EMDAT
17295 Wildfire Sept. 18, 2017 EFFIS
23302 Wildfire Nov. 13, 2017 EFFIS
17673 Wildfire Sept. 20, 2017 EFFIS
Related Datasets
Id Category Title Link to dataset
10 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov
11 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/browser/
9 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
19 Thunderstorms; Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Precipitation https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/satellite-precipitation?tab=overview
30 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov or using Level 2 surface reflectance within Google Earth Engine
32 Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides NDWI (Normalised Difference Water Index) https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov
33 Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides NDWI (Normalised Difference Water Index) https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/browser/
21 Thunderstorms; Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Precipitation https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/4dc8450d889a491ebb20e724debe2dfb
25 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires FCOVER (Fraction of Vegetation Cover) https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=512260;Collection=1000061;
26 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires FAPAR (Fraction Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation) https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=512260;Collection=48403119;
40 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires SWI (Surface Water Index) https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=514690;Collection=1000281;
41 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires SSM (Surface Soil Moisture) https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=71027541;Collection=1000282;
46 Surface water flooding; Rock slide; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Rockfall; localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Land Cover https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover
44 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Soil Moisture https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search?fs10=Soil+Moisture%2FWater+Content&fsm0=Soils&fs20=Soil+Moisture&fst0=land+surface
45 Surface water flooding; Rock slide; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Rockfall; localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Land Cover https://order-eidc.ceh.ac.uk/
31 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/browser/ or using Level 2 data within Google Earth Engine
12 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=520752;Collection=1000340;
14 Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Surface Water/Flood Extent https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/browser/
1 Surface water flooding; Rock slide; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Rockfall; localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides LiDAR Held in-house on S:\ElevationData\LIDAR\BGS_2m_Integrated_DTM_GB_v1.0
22 Thunderstorms; Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Precipitation https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
18 Thunderstorms; Surface water flooding; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides Precipitation https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/sis-ecv-cmip5-bias-corrected?tab=overview
29 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation Index) https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=513186;Collection=1000063
24 Surface water flooding; Heatwave; Flash flood; Drought; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Leaf Area Index https://land.copernicus.vgt.vito.be/PDF/portal/Application.html#Browse;Root=512260;Collection=1000062;
52 Surface water flooding; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays) Rivers https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/products/os-open-map-local