Event Information
Hazard Name:
Insert Date:
Aug. 13, 2001
Start Date:
Aug. 13, 2001
End Date:
Aug. 13, 2001
Hazard Cluster:
Hazard Type:
Data Provider:
Reference Number:
Reference Id
Filtering Tools
Start Date
End Date
Radius (KM)
Related Events
Id Event Type Start Date Provider
10275 Wildfire June 14, 2001 EFFIS
36155 Wildfire June 12, 2001 EFFIS
70075 Wildfire July 5, 2001 EFFIS
69949 Wildfire Aug. 1, 2001 EFFIS
40298 Wildfire June 23, 2001 EFFIS
4052 Wildfire July 4, 2001 EFFIS
40713 Wildfire July 4, 2001 EFFIS
40318 Wildfire June 23, 2001 EFFIS
44672 Wildfire July 10, 2001 EFFIS
3120 Wildfire Aug. 4, 2001 EFFIS
42208 Wildfire July 6, 2001 EFFIS
42221 Wildfire July 6, 2001 EFFIS
28349 Wildfire July 30, 2001 EFFIS
29355 Wildfire Aug. 6, 2001 EFFIS
29246 Wildfire Aug. 2, 2001 EFFIS
29248 Wildfire Aug. 2, 2001 EFFIS
29419 Wildfire Aug. 6, 2001 EFFIS
82374 Wildfire Nov. 6, 2000 EFFIS
Related Datasets
Id Category Title Link to dataset
9 Thunderstorms; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires; Surface water flooding Land Surface Temperature https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
16 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://catalogue.ceda.ac.uk/uuid/4dc8450d889a491ebb20e724debe2dfb
17 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
46 Surface water flooding; Rock slide; Flash flood; Subsidence and uplift, including shoreline change; Rockfall; localized subsidence (e.g. due to swelling clays); Landslide or Debris flow, including submarine landslides; Wildfires Land Cover https://land.copernicus.eu/en/products/corine-land-cover
74 Wildfire,Cold wave, Heatwave, Flash flood, Drought, Downburst, Snow / Ice Precipitation and temperature grids https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.924502
86 Wildfire, Drought, Meteorological drought indices e.g., from ADO project (SPI, SMA) https://ado.eurac.edu /mnt/CEPH_PRODUCTS/ADO
43 Polluted air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Near-surface wind speed https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/derived-near-surface-meteorological-variables?tab=form
72 Wildfire ERA5 Wind Hourly: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu) Monthly: ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu)
73 Wildfire, Snowmelt flood, Snow storm ERA5 Snow Hourly: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu) Monthly: ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present (copernicus.eu)
23 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Wind https://data.ceda.ac.uk/badc/ukmo-midas/data
15 Thunderstorms; Polluted Air; Heatwave; Drought; Wildfires Air temperature https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/derived-near-surface-meteorological-variables?tab=overview
87 Wildfire Wildfire occurrence (wildfire inventory) Trentino: https://forestefauna.provincia.tn.it/Documenti/incendi-boschivi/Aree-percorse-da-incendio
88 Wildfire Wildfire occurrence (wildfire inventory) NULL